Live an intentional and fulfilling life by
transforming your life into a game

Orakemu is the first life management app that pushes you to give meaning to your life. It helps you achieve your goals, live according to your values, and stay motivated.

It's the Duolingo of to-dos, time-tracking, and project management apps.

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    How it works

    View your life as a game

    In a role-playing game, you can play different roles/characters: magician, soldier, woodcutter... And it's the same in real life! You can view your life as a role-playing game. You play different roles: friend, employee, son/daughter, ... And you can ask yourself for each role: if this was a character in a game, how would it level up? Which activities matter most? What would be obstacles to this role? Traps?

    Orakemu helps you answer these questions and more. What if your life was a video game? How would it play? What would the rules be? What would you spend your time on?

    Build your vision


    Clarify your aspirations and your duties. View your life through the lens of different characters you could play in a game.

    Create the rules for your life


    Using a combination of activities you can track, habits you can build, and quests (projects) you can complete, missions (tasks) you can do... define the rules of your game.

    Track your progress


    Your rules reflect what you want or need to do. Therefore, the experience points, levels, and achievements you will gain will help you easily track your progress.

    Reap the benefits


    You will be clear on how you want to live your life. You will be able to track your progress. You will be able to see the benefits of your efforts. And, in case needed, you will be able to adjust your strategy as needed. No more procrastination, imposter syndrome, or burnout.

    List of features
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